"There's not a Red America, or a Blue America, there's the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." ---Barack Obama, 2004

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's viewpoint

The day has finally arrived!

When I saw this photo today, I figured this was the view Obama will have today from the Capitol Building as he takes the oath to be the 44th President of the United States of America.

Am I dreaming? Is this real?

Today is a beautiful and historic day for our Nation. It's a day of brotherhood amongst countrymen, in its truest form.

Over two million folks are expected to attend today. The train lines getting into Washington are so backed up, including the platforms at the end of the line, that people are actually boarding outgoing trains just to be on them when they turn around to go back into the city...ever heard of that before?

Despite the hassles of getting into the capital city, I'm seeing lots of happy faces today. I'm one of them!

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